Stoic faces I have learned over time do not mean I am disgusted with you just as much as a smile doesn't mean I'm a friend. I know to not take everything at face value for face value. What someone thinks is none of my business until otherwise made open and apparent.
I'm stumbling upon more creatives like myself each and everyday. The artists I admire on tv are but a small separation from me. Whether I meet them one day or not doesn't matter. I do consider myself to be just as much of all of what they are in my universe that I have created for myself. I too have a string of people I'm connected to and responsible for as I walk this journey of life.
Speaking of life... 2020 has been the ultimate example of living/watching a real life series right before your eyes. Anything can change at any moment at large or in direct effects to you and yours. I never knew I would be the type of individual I've become or the places and experiences that I've had would happen to me. I sit and look back through all the years since college and think WOW a lot has happened.

I go into this next season of life completely hands up and relinquishing control. Life has shown me first hand that I may have a plan but when the weather changes unexpectedly I'll have to adapt. It doesn't matter how prepared I am for the sunshine the real MVP stands tall when you know what to do when it rains and you can still keep a smile on your face all the while.
More and more I'm becoming comfortable with the things I cannot control and letting them go. Now more than ever I'm finding joy and putting my brain power towards the things I can. The fun comes in sitting down prioritizing how I'm going to execute said plan. I've learned how to work around other peoples and my own shortcomings putting all opinions aside and sticking to the facts/reality and what actually works. Keeping a level head and effectively communicating my expectations. Feelings come and go so I know that I cannot rely on any emotion felt. I honor it but keep in the forefront business is business and let the matters of the heart shine in attention to detail and level of care when completing the task.
#control #mvp #weather #prioritize #plan #shortcomings #emotions #communicate #life #artist #creative #journey
Who Am I? Tiffany Jaye - Singer / Songwriter / Dancer / Artist Follow me on Social Media @tjayetaylor
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